We love getting out to different events and races, meeting all you wonderful #Runderwearers!
This spring you'll find us at the following:
23rd-25th February - the Triathlon Show London
3rd-4th March - Scottish Cycling, Running and Outdoor Pursuits Show
16th April - Boston Marathon Expo
22nd April - London Marathon Expo
18th - 19th May - Rock N Roll Liverpool Marathon & Half Expo
10th -11th March - Larmer Tree Races
17th March - Endurance Life Sussex
1st April - Weybridge 10k
5th May - Centurion Running Thames Path 100 - We'll be on the Aid Station at Reading.
12th May - The Maverick Inov-8 Original Dorset 2018
12th May - Detox Health Beauty Day at Archerfield Walled Garden
25th - 27th May - The Maverick Summit (Running + Music Festival)
27th May - Dorchester Marathon & Casterbridge Half